

  • If you are survivor of a sexual assault, get to a safe place as quickly as possible.
  • Call a close friend, Resident Director, or another trusted person who can be support for you.
  • Call 大学警察 or any other police agency-even if you are unsure about pressing charges.
  • Seek medical attention and/or evidence collection at the hospital if the violence/sexual assault occurred within the last 96 hours. 健康St. 安东尼医院 provides a specially trained Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE).
  • 使用项目安全, 大学咨询办公室, 或者其他危机咨询的资源, 寻求治疗, 或其他相关需求.


对于一个刚刚遭受袭击的人来说, it's important to get to a safe place and make a decision about what to do next. 一些选择包括报警, 去医院, making a doctor's appointment and/or telling a friend or support person.

A medical examination is also recommended for cases of possible sexual assault and where injuries have resulted from an incident of intimate partner abuse/domestic violence. A medical examination can occur at 健康St. 安东尼医院,或者联系安全计划. A hospital is the location where both an advocate can be called, and evidence can be collected.

If an individual is uncertain about whether or not they want to report what has occurred, 他们仍然可以收集证据. 通常, the evidence collection exam may be performed by a doctor or a nurse specifically trained: a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE). 在性侵犯案件中, within the first 96 hours of an assault is the best time for evidence collection; however, 在某些情况下, 可以在此时间框架之后进行收集. It is not necessary for evidence to be collected in order for a case to be reported; however it's easier to investigate and prosecute cases that have physical evidence, but it is not impossible to go forward without it.

Useful Information Regarding Medical Care from 健康St. 安东尼医院

Seek medical attention and/or evidence collection at the hospital if the violence/sexual assault occurred within the last 96 hours. St. Anthony's provides a specially trained Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE).

健康St. 安东尼医院 is located just north of campus on MacArthur Drive (next to Village Apartment Complex).


在发生性暴力的情况下, a survivor often experiences a sense of losing control over the situation, and it is natural to feel a tremendous loss of power and control over life during these times. It can be hard to know what to say or do to help someone who is a survivor of sexual violence.

Survivors are encouraged to seek out a professional counseling using 大学咨询办公室 or other local counseling services. Appointments with 酸’s Kemp Clinic can be made by calling 405.585.4530. Counseling services are free for 酸 students and are confidential.  If necessary, the Kemp Clinic can refer you to another counseling center.

Things to consider when interacting with a survivor

Are you aware of someone who is a survivor of sexual violence? Below are some suggestions about how you can help.

不要评判幸存者. An individual is likely examining himself or herself very critically during this time. Asking questions regarding details of the assault, 为什么这个人会出现在一个特定的地方, 做特定的行为, 等. only places blame on the survivor for the actions of the perpetrator. No matter what their behavior prior to the assault, they are not responsible- the perpetrator is. 性暴力之后, an individual may try to understand their role in what happened, but it's important to be clear that they are not responsible for the actions of others.

Do not attempt to impose your explanation of why this has happened or try to "fix" the situation. It may come across to the survivor as victim-blaming. The only real explanation is that the perpetrator chose to act as they did. In addition, you don't have to fix the situation; you just have to be supportive.

Remind survivors that their feelings are understandable. There are many symptoms that the individual may experience; these are typical reactions to traumatic events. 如果他们有感觉, 情绪, 或者是不寻常的物理系统, it is due to the fact they have just experienced a traumatic event.

Do not attempt to reassure the person that everything is "Okay" or tell them you know how they feel. 因为这个时候,一切都不好. Making statements such as Don't worry about it, You're going to be fine, 等. may serve to minimize the victimized person's feelings and downplay the seriousness of the event(s) which occurred. 也, 每个人处理这些情况的方式都不同, so chances are you don't know exactly how they feel.

什么都不要说. 陪伴往往是最大的帮助.

Do not feel intimidated by the intense 情绪 of survivors. Remember, you don't have to fix the situation, just be supportive. There are many people at the University who can help provide support.

Encourage the survivor to seek counseling and post-trauma services. There are trained professionals that can assist the survivor on many levels. Remind them that counseling is not a sign of weakness, but rather a sign of strength and of taking control of the situation. Appointments can be made by calling the Kemp MFT Clinic at 405.585.4530.

找到你自己的支持. 你也会受到这种情况的影响. You can't support someone else if you aren't supported as well. You cannot expect the survivor to provide support for you, 找其他朋友, 支持的人, or counseling to share your own feelings related to what happened to your friend.